The Ultimate User Guide to AI Phone App

Struggle with language barriers on international calls? Want to ensure you capture every detail of your phone conversations? Look no further than AI Phone, the innovative app that leverages AI to transform your calling experience. AI Phone offers real-time translation during calls, breaking down language barriers and fostering effortless communication. Additionally, live transcription and AI-powered summaries ensure you never miss a crucial detail, even on the go.

How to Download and Install

Download from Mobile

For iOS users, go to the App Store app and search for AI Phone. Tap the download button to start downloading and installing.

For Android users, go to the Google Play Store and search for AI Phone. Tap the “Install” button to start downloading and installing.

Download from Website

AI Phone can be downloaded from either App Store or Google Play Store websites.

For iOS users, they can go to to download.

For Android users, they can go to to download.

Welcome Aboard!

Now that installation has been completed, basic setup can be started.

Users are allowed to start using AI Phone by either Getting a Second Number first or Using Their Own Numbers first. The former means users need to buy a phone number from AI Phone and the number can be used to call and text with AI features. The latter means users can integrate AI features into their own SIM-card phone numbers via AI Phone.

Get a Second Number

As a second number is to be got from AI Phone, the features will be obtained including:

  • Real US Numbers
  • Verification for Social Account
  • Voicemail and Call Forwarding
  • Live Call Transcription
  • Real-time Translation
  • AI-powered Call Summary
  • Capture Keywords

Use Your Own Number

As “Use My Own Number” is selected, the features will be obtained including:

  • Real US Numbers
  • Verification for Social Account
  • Voicemail and Call Forwarding
  • Live Call Transcription
  • Real-time Translation
  • AI-powered Call Summary
  • Capture Keywords

How to Get a Second Number

Step 1. Select “Get a Second Number” and tap “Continue”.

Step 2. Choose an area code you like and tap “Continue”.

Step 3. Choose a number you like. If all the listed numbers aren’t what you favor, you can return to the previous step to use another area code.

Step 4. Choose your favorite plan and tap “Continue” to complete the checkout.

Now, a new number has been purchased and you can check it by tapping “Number” at the bottom of the AI Phone app.

How to Link Your Own Number to AI Phone

Step 1. Select “Get a Second Number” and tap “Continue”.

Step 2. Fill in your phone number and tap “Continue”.

Step 3. Provide the verification code sent to your number and tap “Continue”.

Then, the AI Call features can be used on your number via AI Phone app.

How to Turn on and Use Live Translation Feature

The Live Translation feature provided by AI Phone app has two ways to translate calls, Transcript Translation and Speech Translation. Transcript Translation allows users to see what is being said in their language by the other person who speaks a different language. Speech Translation, however, allows users to hear what is being said in their language.

Turn on and Use Transcript Translation

Step 1. Go to your contacts on AI Phone and find the person you want to call. Tap the icon like a phone.

Step 2. Select “Live Translation” on the setup list and go to “Transcript Translation”.

Step 3. Select the language you want it to be translated into. Return to the call page to click the “Call Now” button.

Then, the call transcript can be translated into the target language as call is being made.

Turn on and Use Speech Translation

Step 1. Go to your contacts on AI Phone and find the person you want to call. Tap the icon like a phone.

Step 2. Select “Speech Translation” on the setup list, go to “Speech Translation” and turn it on.

Step 3. Complete the setup of your spoken language, the other’s spoken language and voice template. You can also select to transmit your original voice or not.

Step 4. Return to the call page to click the “Call Now” button and you’ll be able to use the Speech Translation feature.

How to Turn on and Use Live Transcript Feature

Step 1. Go to your contacts on AI Phone and find the person you want to call. Tap the icon like a phone.

Step 2. Enable “Live Transcript” on the setup list, choose the transcription language, and you’ll be able to enjoy the Live Transcript and Call Summary feature.

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