5 Best Phone Call Transcription Apps: Capture Every Word

Ever fumbled to scribble down notes during a crucial phone call, only to miss key details later? Or perhaps you’ve struggled to recall specific information from a past conversation. In today’s fast-paced world, capturing every word of an important phone call is more important than ever.

This is where phone call transcription apps come in. These innovative tools leverage speech recognition technology to automatically convert your phone conversations into clear, searchable text. By eliminating the need for manual note-taking, transcription apps offer a range of benefits, boosting productivity, ensuring accuracy, and making it easier to reference details later.

AI Phone

AI Phone is an AI-powered phone call app you can use to translate and transcript phone calls in real-time. It supports real-time phone call transcription in more than 130 languages and a variety of accents, covering major languages such as English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and French. AI Phone’s ultra-fast real-time call transcription and artificial intelligence summarization ensure you never miss any call details again.

With AI Phone, you can also experience Live Call Translation. AI Phone offers Speech-Text Translation, Speech-Speech Translation and Text-Speech Translation during calls. Text-Speech Translation solves the pain point of people who do not speak foreign languages but need to provide accurate information such as number, address, name, email, etc. during phone conversations. When encountering this situation, you only need to paste the relevant information into the dialog box, and the AI Phone will speech the information to the other party on your behalf. In the meantime, the AI Phone will transcribe all this information for you review after the call ends.

To transcribe calls using AIPhone.AI, follow these steps:

  1. Initiate a Call: To start a call, open the AIPhone.AI app and select the contact you want to call. You can also dial a number directly.
  2. Activate Transcription: During the call, tap the transcription button to start transcribing the conversation in real-time. The app uses advanced AI to convert speech to text.
  3. Language Settings: AIPhone.AI supports multiple languages. Ensure that the language settings match the language spoken during the call for accurate transcriptions. You can adjust language settings in the app’s settings menu.
  4. Access Transcriptions: After the call, you can view the transcribed text in the app. AIPhone.AI saves the transcription, allowing you to review and manage your call logs.
  5. Export Transcriptions: If you need to save or share the transcriptions, use the export feature. You can export the transcriptions to text files or share them via email or messaging apps.


Dialpad Ai is a cloud-based platform leveraging artificial intelligence to greatly improve both customer support and sales call operations. To utilize Dialpad’s phone call transcription feature, you must first set up a new business phone on Dialpad. Once configured, Dialpad can transcribe each business call in real-time. Dialpad’s contact center AI enhances agent productivity and enriches customer interactions by making each call more strategic.

Here’s how to leverage Dialpad’s call transcription capabilities:

  1. Enable Dialpad Ai: Dialpad Ai is a suite of features that includes call transcription. However, it requires a paid subscription plan on Dialpad. Check your plan details or contact Dialpad to confirm if your plan includes Dialpad Ai.
  2. Activate Ai in Settings: If you have a qualifying plan, head to your Dialpad settings and navigate to the Dialpad Ai section. There, you’ll find options to enable Ai for all your calls or configure it to start manually during specific calls.
  3. Automatic or Manual Transcription: Depending on your settings, Dialpad Ai will automatically start transcribing calls when initiated or provide a button to activate transcription during the call itself.
  4. Real-time Transcript View: While on the call, a real-time transcript window will appear within the Dialpad call screen, allowing you to follow the conversation in text format.


OpenPhone is a cutting-edge phone system crafted for business needs. With OpenPhone, you have the flexibility to record a specific call or automatically capture all calls tied to a specific work number. Additionally, OpenPhone seamlessly integrates an AI call transcription feature, effortlessly converting recorded voice calls into written text. Moreover, OpenPhone offers unlimited storage for both recordings and transcripts, ensuring seamless management of communication data.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Make or receive your call: Use OpenPhone as you normally would for your phone call.
  2. Automatic recording (optional): OpenPhone offers the option to enable automatic recording for all calls associated with a specific phone number. This can be done in the OpenPhone settings. Alternatively, you can also manually initiate call recording during the call itself using the record button within the OpenPhone call screen (if automatic recording isn’t enabled).
  3. Call ends and processing begins: Once the call concludes, OpenPhone will automatically process the recording (if enabled).
  4. Access transcript and summary: Within a few seconds of the call ending, you’ll see a notification or the transcript will appear directly in the conversation thread within the OpenPhone app.
  5. Reviewing the transcript: The transcript will be broken down by speaker, making it easy to follow the conversation flow. You can also access a call summary that highlights key discussion points and potential action items.


Otter is an AI-powered assistant leveraging machine learning capabilities to generate detailed notes from a range of voice interactions, including meetings, interviews, lectures, and various conversational settings. Otter.ai doesn’t directly integrate with phone calls itself, but you can use it to transcribe phone calls in real-time with a little creativity. Here’s how:

Method 1: Using Speakerphone and Otter.ai on Another Device

  1. Initiate your phone call: Make or receive your phone call using your phone’s speakerphone functionality.
  2. Open Otter.ai on another device: On a separate device like a laptop or tablet, open the Otter.ai web app (https://otter.ai/) or mobile app.
  3. Start recording: In the Otter.ai app, tap the record button to begin capturing the conversation.
  4. Speak clearly: Ensure clear audio quality by minimizing background noise and speaking clearly into your phone.

Method 2: Using a Call Recording App and Otter.ai

  1. Record your phone call: Utilize a third-party call recording app on your phone to capture the entire conversation (ensure legality in your area).
  2. Save the recording: After the call, save the recording from the call recording app to your phone’s storage.
  3. Import the recording into Otter.ai: Open the Otter.ai app and look for the import option. You can usually import audio files from your device’s storage.
  4. Otter transcribes the recording: Otter will then process the audio file and transcribe the conversation into text.


TapeACall is an app available for iPhone and Android users that allows you to record phone calls. It offers both free and paid versions and can be a useful tool for recording and transcribing calls. TapeACall’s built-in transcription is a paid feature that requires a subscription plan.

Here is how to trancribe calls with TapeACall:

  1. Record your call: Make or receive your phone call as usual. TapeACall will automatically record the conversation if configured to do so.
  2. Access the recording: Open the TapeACall app and navigate to your recordings list.
  3. Locate the desired call: Find the recording of the phone call you want to transcribe.
  4. Initiate transcription: Tap on the recording to open it. You’ll typically see a playback bar and other options. Look for a button or menu option labeled “Transcribe” or similar.
  5. Transcription process: Select the “Transcribe” option. TapeACall will connect to its servers and begin processing the audio recording to generate a text transcript. This process might take a few minutes depending on the call length.
  6. Access the transcript: Once complete, you’ll receive a notification or the app will display the transcribed text within the recording view. You might be able to edit the transcript or save it for future reference (refer to TapeACall’s specific app instructions).

Final Thoughts

Numerous exceptional phone call transcription software tools are currently available on the market. Each of these solutions offers unique benefits, such as making all conversations searchable and summarizing important information automatically, which can be extremely valuable for both your professional endeavors and personal life. However, AI Phone stands out among phone transcription options due to its efficient artificial intelligence technology, enabling real-time call transcription on any phone, making it simpler and cost-effective for daily use. With AI Phone, you can transcribe and translate on the fly and communicate with people around the world without stress! AI Phone is your best choice!

Please visit the AI Phone website for more information.

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